There are so many great looking fixies available for you to buy online but we're always left wondering, what are they really like? I will...
Month: October 2011
Fickle Fixie market fixed with Specialized marketing
There's no doubt that the major players make some fine fixed biked at attractive prices. I am in particular a big fan of the Mongoose...
When bike’s are inbred
Update: Looking for a review of the Papillionaire? (Click on the linky bit already.)What happens when a road bike marries his mountain bike cousin and...
Chunky Toad: Last Words
My wife is frequently my conscience. The last several weeks she's been telling me I should give the Chunky Toad bag back to Dave at...
Did you ride to work? I didn’t
It was Ride to Work day today. That's what I'm told. I work from home so I don't qualify for a Ride2Work sticker. I'll ride...
Fixie film scaring the cycling community
I like to ride. Fixed gear, no brakes. Can't stop. Don't want to.They're not my words, they're the words of Wilee from Premium Rush.Premium Rush...