Knowing you’re not alone can help ease your fears.
If you’re a new or inexperienced cyclist, you might feel a bit uneasy hitting the road alone. You may worry about being too far from home or being too close to heavy traffic. If you usually ride with just one other person, you may sometimes feel like you’re not really ‘enough’ people. A bigger group might ease some of those fears. When you’re in a larger group, you can rest assured that you’ll have other cyclists around you in case of an emergency. You might also feel more comfortable talking about your worries and concerns with others in the group.

Safety in numbers.
When you ride with a group of cyclists, you are more visible to drivers and have a greater chance of being seen by them in heavy traffic. Riding in a group also forces you to ride at a proper pace and in a safe formation. If you’re new to cycling or are just starting to ride with others, you can rest assured that the more experienced cyclists in the group will help keep you safe. If you’re part of a club or a cycling team, you’ll have others to turn to if you run into any challenges or need assistance with repairs. Studies have also shown that when drivers pass cyclists, they tend to give them more room when there is more than one cyclist in sight.
Group workouts can be more fun and engaging.
Cycling is a great form of exercise and is often used as a training method for other athletes. If you like riding with a group, you may find that your workouts are more interesting and engaging. Cycling with others can challenge you to go at a level you might not have tried on your own. In a group, there’s no shortage of people who are ready and willing to push you to try something new. Buddies in a group can help keep you motivated and support you on days you feel lazy. You can also stop by a local coffee shop or have occasional social catch-ups to help build better bonds.
You’ll get to know other cyclists in your area.