Electric Bike vs Electric Scooter – Which One Is Better For You?

electric scooter

E-scooters and e-bikes are all popular last-mile transportation methods in big cities. These megacities are currently congested and polluted which is caused by rapid urbanization thus, causing more problems with public transportation.

As a result, people are turning into these personal electric vehicles for micro-mobility and realizes these are much faster and easier to get to work with especially through rush hour traffic.

Planning on getting one and can’t choose between electric scooters and electric bikes? You have come to the right page! If you have just entered the micro-mobility world or are planning to step in, then you might be wondering what will be the best fit for you to get around. In this article, we will be providing key points to consider to help you choose.

Electric Bike vs Electric Scooter

electric bike

An electric bike or e-bike is considered a sustainable mode of transportation. E-bikes are bicycles powered by a battery via pedaling. A pedal-assist e-bike’s motor will give a boost so can ride through terrains without exhausting yourself.

These are conventional bikes – but better. Some e-bikes also come with a throttle that boosts the motor with a single press of a button. There are a dozen of e-bikes for every type of cyclist.

While e-bikes are popular right now, there are still some who prefer the Electric Scooter. Electric scooters are lighter and more energy-efficient compared to e-bikes. These are also known as powered scooters and are made to function by motors without manual effort.

You can also ride e-scooters manually by pushing forward and this will require a lot of leg power and could cause damage to the electric scooter over time. Kick pushing an electric scooter isn’t recommended unless it’s a hybrid electric scooter.


Some people might find an electric bike challenging while some will find balancing on an electric scooter too difficult. For several riders, the electric bike is the most comfortable option. E-bikes have large frames and have full or partial suspension systems. You can ride comfortably even on bumpy roads.

But this doesn’t mean that electric scooters are not a comfortable ride, because they are! An average electric scooter is smaller and lighter than an average e-bike. The battery, motor, extra components, and reinforced frame make e-bikes heavier.

Some e-scooters even fit in the car trunk while e-bikes don’t. There are, however, some e-bikes that you can fold and bring along on your train and car rides, not necessarily at the trunk but you can still bring them with you.


When it comes to safety, an electric bike is a better option on the road. E-bikes offer more stability with their large tires compared to an average e-scooter that has 6-8 inches tires. Electric scooters are also designed closer to the ground and with the wheels much smaller compared to the e-bikes, it would require extra force to overcome a hump on the road. The likelihood of falling on an e-scooter is higher compared to an e-bike. E-scooters are also less visible to drivers compared to riders in an e-bike.

Generally, electric bikes are considered safer than electric scooters, but this will also depend on the rider – riding condition, skill, and level of precaution.


Cost is something to think about when deciding which mode of transportation to get. An electric bike is usually more expensive compared to an electric scooter. Prices vary widely and occasionally, you can get an entry-level e-bike for at least $1,500. High-end e-bikes usually cost more. Electric scooters, on the other hand, can range from $140-$1000.

For this part, the electric scooter provides the best option as a transportation system alternative to a car.


As we’ve noted, the choice between an e-bike and an e-scooter depends on a number of considerations that depend on the needs of the riders.

When it comes, however, to cost, convenience, and ease of use, electric scooters are the best option for urban commuters. But whatever you end up with, you will be a healthier and greener rider compared to driving a car.

If you are considering getting an e-scooter, make sure to take all the pros and cons into account so you can decide by yourself whether it would be suitable for your needs or not. Keep in mind and make sure to invest in the right product.

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